Archive for the ‘Obama 2012’ Category


TheAlexJonesChannel Lew Rockwell

June 15, 2012

Lew Rockwell is an anarcho-capitalist, the president of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, the editor of, and former Ron Paul congressional chief of staff from 1978 to 1982. He is the author of numerous books, including Speaking of Liberty and The Left, The Right and The State.


June 12, 2012


Ron Paul and the six kinds of libertarianism

May 28, 2012

Exactly. The most successful people who are able to please the most people with their products contain the most power, as long as they don’t infringe on other people’s rights. What’s wrong with that?

Too many people define Ron Paul as a libertarian without even understanding what a libertarian is. Here I explain the six most common styles of libertarianism, and how his candidacy can unite them, and lead believers of liberty to victory.


Ron Paul vs Barack Obama 2012

May 28, 2012

Ron Paul vs Barack Obama 2012

Ron Paul vs Barack Obama 2012 How Obama Got Elected “Going Green” Crony Capitalism and More Waste! 2012 Obama vs Himself
Here goes your tax dollar wasted by Obama and people like Al Gore.

In a blow to the Obama administration’s efforts to create green jobs, solar-cell maker Solyndra announced Wednesday that it will close its remaining Fremont factory, lay off its 1,100 employees and file for bankruptcy.

A foundation linked to a top donor to President Obama says it took a hit like all other investors in a distressed solar company that this week shuttered its plant and laid off 1,100 workers, leaving taxpayers on the hook for loans guaranteed by the federal government.

The Tulsa-based George Kaiser Family Foundation said in a statement that it is among many investors in Solyndra, the California-based company that received a $535 million loan guaranteed by the Energy Department. The independent foundation is linked to billionaire oilman George B. Kaiser, a fundraising bundler during Obama’s campaign.

The foundation said it is one of many that “suffered a loss as a result of the company’s inability to overcome serious challenges in the marketplace, especially the drastic decline in solar panel prices during the past two years caused in part by subsidies provided by the government of China to Chinese solar panel manufacturers.”

The statement issued Thursday came as House Republicans vowed to more fully probe the extent of White House involvement in federal assistance to Solyndra, saying they have found evidence the White House tracked the company’s application.

The Fremont, Calif., firm, which promised two years ago that it could help create new clean-tech jobs, announced Wednesday it was closing its doors and laying off workers. Taxpayers might now be responsible for repaying Solyndra’s loan, part of an estimated $80 billion in subsidies the Obama administration had committed to clean technology projects and innovation in this country since 2009.

In 2009, Solyndra received the Energy Department’s first loan under the new administration’s program to spur clean technology innovation. Obama and Energy Secretary Steven Chu had visited Solyndra’s plant, and Vice President Biden spoke at its groundbreaking via live video. Each touted the company as a model of the administration’s effort to grow a “green” industry and create millions of new American jobs.

Republicans on the Energy and Commerce Committee said Thursday they are seeking copies of all communications between the White House and Solyndra regarding the loan guarantee. They also want communications between the White House and Solyndra investors.

Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-Mich.) and Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.), chairman of the oversight and investigations subcommittee, wrote to the White House Thursday:

“We have learned from our investigation that White House officials monitored Solyndra’s application, and communicated with DOE and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) officials. Documents received by the Committee also show that DOE and OMB officials were aware of the White House’s interest in the Solyndra loan guarantee.”

Other Solyndra investors include Rockport Capital, whose top executive served on a government panel advising the Energy Department on solar energy, and Madrone Capital, a fund of the Walton family.

Peter Lynch, a longtime solar industry analyst, questioned whether Chinese subsidies were a significant cause of Solyndra’s problem. Solyndra was not competitive with other U.S. makers, Lynch said. The firm’s estimated cost to make a panel had been as high as $6 a watt, and it had struggled to make a profit when selling panels for $3 a watt.

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Who Spends More: Democratic Or Republican Presidents?

May 28, 2012

America the great, US policy is trapped in a “Wars of Defense” doctrine

May 27, 2012

Ah yes, people are loosing their savings and homes and jobs at record rates, cost to live keeps rising, the government is broke but they somehow always have enough to blow things up or did I miss something, welcome to the W.M.S.A. (War Mongering States of America).

American people are responsible for crimes commited by their puppet government in hands of owners to USA – Jews and Zionists – the same way as Jews (provocators of WWII) held German people responsible for WWII.

US” policy is trapped in a “Wars of Defense” doctrine, this is directly caused by the US dollar system and its links to Petroleum products , this is the end of a failed policy.

The problem is that the design of the policy was a financial design originally and thus there is no easy financial solution , with regard to the “excess of capacity” and “drop of demand” that is caused by a move away from that policy.

Consequently however the further extended the policy it has been show to be the more fragile and the more susceptible to moves in aforementioned “demand” or lack of with regard to the US dollar design.

Which in turn seems to apparently drive a mechanism which by the reaction is further belligerences directed more and more towards the slightest deviances from this dictated policy.

But, however , now that policy has directly run up against itself. We have two diverging interests that would seem to be very well locked together

1. Global trade and policy of  “economic” continued growth.
2. That trade being under the aforementioned dictated policy.

The main significant problem being that the Policy; or to be more specific, the result of the policy (really the defenses of that policy) has now and is increasingly stopping the growth that the policy was supposedly designed to achieve.

The “if we can not control it we will break it” policy appears to now finally reached its natural conclusion, there was a lot of broken, but the global situation has now become more complex.

The move away from domestic natural feedback mechanisms with regard to combination evolutionary technology , and moving this capital/energy towards belligerent “Defense Products” means the centralization (or at least partly) of domestic society with regard to technological evolution.

I’m not saying that the US as a nation is out of the picture with regard to this, all that I am contesting is that the net effect is negative;

Combine that with domestic sociological and economic issues, and you have a civil society that is increasingly inhibited (in spite of FFoI) (free flow of Information) , the inhibiters are not specifically centralized media but , increasing monopoly aspects , (a fairly recent appearance to the US domestic system)

Monopoly is the direct result of the end life cycle of the aforementioned policy.

Clearly if the Federation wishes to Modernize , basically take the policy  and do essentially the opposite of the clearly able to be seen differences, as these are not unique to the US or any nation.

They are as follows:

Create policy to encourage a civil feedback system, not just towards government policy , but towards new combination technology.

1. The quickest way towards that is to encourage micro business.
2. Decentralize technology.
3. “Seed” technological ideas into the feedback system (the society) , the society becomes technology.
4. Stopping monopoly is a result of the preceding primarily the SME aspect, competition and feedback civil society naturally kills monopoly, with choices , society chooses local and small every time , because markets are social, the only thing that can keep Monopoly alive is a centralized power, a Policy or a Government with a policy directive.
Some “Monopolies” appear a necessity until one takes a closer look at how competition can be integrated into the chain of flow on effect to the society. 



Could Fast and Furious Scandal Bring Down Obama?

April 30, 2012

#1 During Operation Fast and Furious, ATF agents purposely allowed thousands of guns to be sold to individuals that they believed would get them into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.

#2 ATF agents were specifically ordered not to intercept the guns before they crossed the border. 

#3 Operation Fast and Furious remained a secret until the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry last December.

#4 Many ATF agents were becoming extremely frustrated when they were ordered to cut off surveillance on the weapons that were being sold

#5 It appears that Operation Fast and Furious began some time around September 2009. 

#6 In some gun stores, cameras were set up so that top ATF officials could actually watch these transactions take place. 

#7 In some cases ATF agents were actually the ones buying the guns and getting them into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.

#8 Fast and Furious weapons have “turned up at dozens of additional Mexican crime scenes.

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America’s criminal class rules and dictates via the courts big time.

February 15, 2012

Yes, of course the president is just a figurehead unfortunately. That Obama lacks independence. This weasel is a coward a liar a puppet a charlatan. A demagogue a servant of the rich who has laughed in the face of the poor and American people. Most African Americans voted for him. I’m proud African American that didn’t.

Obama mind is a empty thing. He lacks the capacity to think, to act and take responsibility. I feel very sorry for the youth of the United States who in the millions voted for this teleprompter guided charlatan. They deserve better leader than Obama.

I hate to break the bad news to you but the entire federal government with the possible exception of Ron Paul. Is nothing but a great big hand puppet of the billionaire elite class that owns most of the wealth in America. It doesn’t matter who you vote for because (and Obama is a perfect example of this) literally all of the choices are controlled. And if they are not that president gets killed. What happen to Kennedy after trying to get the treasury to print money again. DEAD!

Anyone you are allowed to vote for, whether they have a meaningless R or a meaningless D next to their name, is someone already so deeply in the waistcoat pocket of Wall Street and the rest of the moneyed elite that they are guaranteed to not change anything meaningful. America sadly has a government by, for and of the wealthy.

Obama’s purpose was to harness the considerable desire of many Americans for real change, a break with the Bush-Cheney era, a new way of doing things, and to run that desire straight into blind alleys that don’t threaten the status quo. He doesn’t have to worry about 2012 because Goldman Sachs and the rest of the big banks already have far too much invested in their puppet Obama to switch horses in mid-stream.

America sucks. There are two nearly identical parties for the billionaire jet set and there is NO party fighting for the average non-wealthy person.

 World watches Berry Obama and the owners of the world’s Orwell-Fourth Reich NATO/NWO. It you do the right thing in America you get shitting on. You want to be a whistleblower you better tell all. If you keep secrets your take them to the grave literally if they are smoking gun serious. The banking elite in the world are not fucking around. They run the world and they don’t need all of us “alive to run it”. And there are going to be more wars. Perpetual wars why lowering the population is good for control. You hear the 99% more like the 95% vs the 5%. The Banking elites have great amounts of money and technology that they don’t share with us. Why do you think they are pushing copyrights so hard. It’s apart of the control system. And if they can control the internet the game is just about over. Next cashless societies were if you don’t  tow the line. You just don’t get your money. It’s just numbers in a computer anyway.

Technology that they don’t share with us.

Now, if you have ever heard story about UFO’s. I would tell you it is from this planet. And if you want to find real fast we should have a Occupy area 51. 1 million people strong and see how many people go to jail! Don’t forget to bring you V for Vendetta masks.


Confront Iranophobia

February 12, 2012

You can see from comments on Main stream news sites elsewhere that most Americans are simply not able to act or talk in a decent rational way. They are manipulated since their early days to become arrogant, ignorant, rude, self-righteous, uneducated, foul-mouthed, bullying folks. They don’t seem to develop beyond teenage years. This is to prevent them from understanding that their image, standing, and morality is getting tarnished more and more by those who think of nothing but filling their own deep pockets. Of course this is not true about the few awakened Americans. But the awakened are a minority group. They are standing firm against this wave of evil and have tried very hard to be respectable understanding. The few awakened are a benevolent people that they are meant to be the voice of reason and in a society inundated with the cowboy “Gun ho“ rhetoric and Praise the lord, pass the ammo attitudes.

I spent about a year in the Mid East; especially the Islamic world to see the truth behind America’s increasingly Bloody, Expensive and Zionist driven entanglements. I lived, worked, traveled with and enjoyed the hospitality of Muslims from Turkey to Iran. And I have friends in Incirlik, Turkey.

The question I was most frequently asked was: “Why do American hate us?” And I would tell them Americans don’t care about you flat out. The governments policies “Do as I say, not as I do” Hates you.

There is something sadly wrong with humanity when we (apparently) tolerate the mad designs of those who are prepared to destroy half the planet in order to honor a totally artificial ideology and 2,500 year old pseudo-religion whose patriarchs never existed as described. And please stop describing the United States as a country! It is nothing more than a giant garrison and barracks for NWO Storm troopers; all paid for by the stateless and globalized International Bankers. 

And the government knows Iran is not a threat to anyone. Iran never attacked anyone because the religion forbids it. America? that another thing. Its propaganda brought about the invasion of the sovereign country of Iraq when they knew all along Iraq was not a threat. As a matter of fact, America’s ONLY participated in unconstitutional war since WWII. But wars are “necessary” on the way to America’s road to empire ship.

I am talking from personal experience, Americans will buy any BS story told by their government or the media tells them. Nothing happens the way you think it does there is always more to the story. After all I think Americans are to lazy to seek the truth. And thus are doomed to pay heavy price of being slaves to banks.

If the USA started to spend their money on paying down debt, feeding the hungry, use diplomacy instead of war, provide better health care and education, instead of spending trillions of dollars on killing machines, bombs, weapons and drones. Then the world would be a much better place.

Ron Paul 2012.